Friday, March 12, 2010

Challenge of the Day.

Today I have set a challenge for myself. To write some short (very short) stories of under 140 characters. I saw this on another blog I enjoy ( and thought it might be fun.

Ok, so here are some examples I found:

- When he woke up, the dinosaur was still there.

- It was cold on the bathroom floor on the day of my birth. Secret, untold, I now entered the world. Too much of my life resembles my birth.

- The wind picked up, and the balloon was away! Up in the air, grab – miss! Only cake left now.

- “You must wear underwear under your pants!”, insisted his mother. Clever at age five, and defiantly nude.

Now you get the idea, try some of your own and share them here. I'll post mine later.

1 comment:

  1. good stuff lulu! check mine out at
